Thanks to the latest EU sanctions against Iran, Press TV was cut off from Europe’s airwaves this morning.
Eutelsat began blocking it and 18 other TV/radio stations operated by the Iranian state broadcaster, Irib.
Press TV’s anger is both palpable and predictable:
It also shows that the European Union does not respect freedom of speech, and spares no efforts to silence the voice of alternative media outlets.
But as Houriya Ahmed aptly pointed out last year, freedom of speech doesn’t extend to Press TV because, “it is funded by, and acts as a mouthpiece for, the Iranian regime.” and because “the truth is distorted and its reports manipulated to fit the Tehran regime’s agenda.”
Indeed, Press TV’s sins go way beyond other broadcasters:
- Ofcom, the UK media regulatory body, censured Press TV for airing Maziar Bahari’s coerced confession. (The station’s gallingly filed a lawsuit against Bahari. Proceedings begin tomorrow in Tehran.)
- Ofcom also ruled that George Galloway’s talk show was simply a vehicle to bash Israel.
- Press TV was caught faking 1,370 deaths by US drones in Somalia.
- Reporter Jody Sabral quit, accusing Press TV of deliberately suppressing news about the Syrian uprising.
- Ofcom also censured Lauren Booth‘s Mavi Marmara coverage — fittingly, since she spearheaded the Gaza flotilla movement.
That’s propaganda, not news.
Good riddance.
Original article can be viewed at EU Sanctions Knock Iran’s Press TV Off the Airwaves on HonestReporting.